your instructor
DVSA - Approved Driving Instructor
DVSA - Approved Driving Instructor Covering Market Harborough and surrounding areas.
What did I do before becoming a driving instructor?
I was a footwear designer for over 20 years, mostly designing women's shoes and boots for M&S. But I also did a lttle freelance work for various clients and companies.
Why did I become a driving instructor?
A friend who I used to play golf with was the Senior Lecturer at the AA College in Nottinghamshire. He explained what the job entailed and I was soon sold on the idea - on of the best decisions I've ever made.
What do I enjoy about training people?
First and foremost I consider myself to be a people person. Interaction between me and my clients is the key to a good in-car relationship. I've been a qualified ADI for over 23 years and still enjoy the job as much as I did when I first started. I've taught some fantastic people and made some lifelong friends along the way, both here in Leicetershire and in Cumbria where I used to run my own Driving School
What's your favourite car?
I have used a Ford Fiesta ever since I qualified as an ADI. Having owned 10 over the years, I've come to recognise their value as a driving school car and also to potter about in after work - that said, any car that gets me from A to B is fine with me.
What do I do when I'm not in the driving seat?
I'm a lifelong Chelsea fan for my sins and also an avid Tigers season ticket holder. I love to spend time outdoors walking my dogs, playing bowls, gardening and fishing - I used to do a lot of fell running when I lived in the Lake District and hopefully next year I will be offered a place to run in the London Marathon.
What's my pet hate in the Road?
Drivers who stay in the middle lane on motorways and tailgaters who think it is safe to be so close to your car that they inhale your exhaust fumes!
What's my favourite holiday destination?
I love to go on at least one cruise ship a year - hopefully going back to the Caribbean for the third time later this year, but really love weekends away anywhere in the UK.
Surprising fact about myself.
I used to design all of Cher's stage and dance and footwear.
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